Membership Checkout

Membership Level change

You have selected the Youth membership level.

Membership entitles a youth, 17 years of age or under, to participate in club sailing days, sailing camps, and other scheduled activities.

The price for membership is $35.00 now.

Membership expires after 1 Year.

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Please consider adding a one-time, tax-deductible donation to your membership.

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Youth Membership

Parental approval is required to Youth Membership.

Would you like to set up automatic renewals?

Billing Address

Payment Information We accept all major credit cards

Terms of Service

I understand that boating and sailing involve a certain degree of risk, including the potential of injury to persons and property and I understand and acknowledge such risks and hereby voluntarily assume these risks.

I further agree, as a condition of membership, to release, indemnify and forever hold harmless, Na Hoa Holomoku Sailing Club, its officers, agents, employees and heirs, from any and all liability in connection with my use of any and all membership privileges, including any injury or damage to my person or property, or injury to the person or property of the guest or family of a Na Hoa Holomoku of Hawaii Yacht Club member. Members agree to follow federal and state rules regarding alcohol use while on club boats.

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